The Gearbox Pro Power is Here

What’s up, guys? Gearbox just dropped a bomb on the paddle market. Take a look below to find out more.

Gearbox Pro Power Review

You can watch the video review here

Wow, Gearbox has always been reasonably subpar in terms of paddle performance, but that changes today. Power and Gearbox are not two words that have ever gone together before.

With the new Pro Power, they are borderline game breaking speed. In my tests, they were just a hair under EVA foam for power. I’ve never seen more people give reactions or weird faces to a paddle that I have been testing.

I can’t go into nearly enough details in this newsletter, but this is definitely one of the best paddles on the market. However, know that the power is not something that will be easy for most people to control.

The Gearbox Pro Power is going to fall into an “advanced” paddle category in my opinion. Similar to the 002, I don’t think it will be one that everyone can pick up and use perfectly out of the box.

They released 4 models. Two elongated, and two “Fusion” shapes. Each shape is offered in a power and control model. In my opinion, the power model is by far the most exciting. I think the control models are good, but I don’t think they are necessarily leaps and bounds better than other control paddles on the market.

I haven’t been this excited about a paddle since the Six Zero DBD. It’s awesome to see a company with genuinely innovative ideas that are leaps and bounds ahead of the competition finally create a paddle that hits top tier performance characteristics.

In a market of copy cats with different branding, it’s refreshing to see something entirely different added to the market.

At this time, my plan is to switch my primary paddle to the Gearbox Pro Power Elongated. I really like it, but I’ll need more time to see if it can really dethrone the Six Zero DBD. My only hesitation is if I can dial in my resets with the Gearbox. Otherwise, this paddle is a toooooon of fun.

Never thought I’d be saying I might switch to a Gearbox paddle, but here we are haha.

Unfortunately Gearbox doesn’t offer any discount codes, but if you do plan to buy one, using my link does help support the channel and is greatly appreciated.

Buy it here